That was Mary

Terry Owens, Jean Evans 1/5/2024
That Was Mary

An April day in 1963, Margaret T (O’Brien) and Edmund F Bielecki became parents of their fifth child, Mary Margaret Bielecki. “First generation” parents of Irish and Polish heritage, they believed in education, perseverance, honesty, ingenuity, appreciation, laughter, nature and love. It was no surprise that Mary, Mom and Pop’s little pumpkin, would become a witty, thoughtful, mischievous, industrious young woman devoted to her family and friends. Mary possessed an ability to listen with empathy and gently console, making you forget about your worries and enjoy the moment.

Barely able to drag a bag bigger than herself down the stairs one Christmas morning, she delighted us with small gifts wrapped in brown paper bags and decorated with crayons.She shared all she had to bring joy that morning. In her short time with us, she inspired us to laugh, speak our mind, find the joy in ourselves, and reach out a hand whether to a child, peer, elder, friend or stranger. That was Mary.

A March day in 1982, Ed and Marge Bielecki lost their youngest daughter. Ed, Terry, Jean and Rich Bielecki lost their little sister. The sibling who had the ability to soften the hardest heart and stop to help a needing stranger, was struck by a drunk driver. Her concern, from the scene to surgery, was for the friend who had been with her. That was Mary.

She was a St. Ann, Dorchester graduate, Mount Saint Joseph Academy, Brighton graduate, and student at UMass, Boston. She exemplified teamwork as an Irwin-Maguire Irish step-dancer, St. Ann’s CYO Band member, and employee at Lagoon Concessionaire and Neponset Hall Nursing Home. Mary was unsure if she would help people through the field of nutrition, health services or nursing but was setting out to find the right place. She never had the chance to get there but set things in motion for us. The rose was her symbol. She held them in her hands beyond the thorns to the flower and celebrated every moment. That was Mary.

The Mary Bielecki Foundation strives to bridge gaps and build futures because, that was Mary.

Mary Bielecki with glasses and a flower in her hand
Mary Bielecki with glasses and a flower in her hand
a collage of photos of Mary
a collage of photos of Mary